Thursday, April 27, 2006

Listen here fools

A message to all those who compete against me -

Listen here fools, did you not consider the magic and might of brave Organic Craggle and his lumpsome gorge of gargantuan marra's.

"Beware he who is not wary of a man who plants under the cycle of the moons"
OC - 2006

Also the Allotment of Champions could n't grow a toenail between them

Back down to earth

This week I planted 32 onions. Next week I am planting 10 lettuce.
I will also sow my carrots, parsnips and spinach. The pumpkin seeds are going into the propagater tonight...

...still living the dream

"Living the Dream"

Last night the B.B.C. arrived at Woody "the Pea's" house to get the first dose of footage of P.A.M.E.L.A. Woody was interviewed first in the garden followed by a group interview with Ste and Gavin (Allotment of Champions) , and me. A series of quickfire questions were aimed at us which we skillfully answered with some quick witted replies (I wish). The truth was that I crumbled at the first hurlde on my route to stardom. Amongst the garbled comments "cumpkins" and " h-h-hortic-c-culture" I managed to say "I was on the first rung to LIVING THE DREAM to becoming self sufficient." I really hope these comments don't make it past the edit room floor.
Apart from that I think we did a pretty good job.
The new B.B.C. programme The National Village Show will be aired some time in 2007. The idea is that they follow people throughout the growing process right through to a national competition.

"Watch this space, here come the Brummies"

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Auntie gets a look in

It has been a very exciting month in the Organic Craggle Calender. Firstly the allotment is coming along very well. I have planted the raspberries, tidied the strawberries, discovered some mystery rhubarb and prepared the soil to a fine tilt. When last down there I got chatting to a kind old lady who regaled me with details of a 'Best Newcomer Award' that I was eligible for. Time to double the efforts.
In the garden I have dressed the place with hanging baskets, potted plants and a rather lavish patio chimney. Also I have bought a new BBQ and outdoor lights in anticipation of some summer evening parties.
The studying is going well and I can now bore my friends and collegues with classification and nomaclature of the Plant Kingdom and I can draw a plant cell from memory. Good skills even if I do say so myself. As part of my teaching course I am hoping to observe a horticulural session at the college where I work to get a taste of what might be my future vocation.
The "fattest pumpkin competion" has now become the "fattest marrow competion" and the union of vegetable growing brothers has been born - P.A.M.E.L.A. (Pumpkins And Marrows Extra Large Association).
Which leads me to the most mouth watering news of all. The B.B.C. has got wind of all this marlarchy, through Brother Woody (national pumkin champion two thousand and something). They have approached my learned friend this morning to help them out with a programme they are making on large vegetables. He kindly spoke of the competition and gave forward our names to be interviewed and filmed. Time to treble the efforts.